厂区1貴州省健康茶科技有限公司成立於2002年,為貴州省民營科技企業。公司擁有全國面積最大的甜茶種植基地和設備工藝先進的加工基地,所生產的“活力樹”牌“健康茶” 精選優質天然植物為主料、採用傳統工藝和現代技術完美結合而成。產品天然、綠色,營養全面、豐富,口感滋味極好!貴州省健康茶科技有限公司通過國際食品安全HACCP和ISO9001:2000認證,利用國家發明專利技術生產的“活力樹”牌健康茶系列產品因其品質優異,深得消費者和客服的好評與青睞,產品暢銷國內,並出口日本、韓國、美國、俄羅斯、歐洲、港澳臺等國家和地區。Guizhou Herbal Tea technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2002 , it is a private technology enterprise in Guizhou Province.The company has the largest sweet tea planting base, and technology base with advanced processing equipment . Our product "health tea" of "energy tree" brand selecting high-quality natural plant-based materials, using traditional technology and perfectly combined with modern technology, is a natural, green, nutritious, tasty product! Produced with national invention patent technology , because of its excellent quality ,the "energy tree" brand health tea products has got the international HACCP and ISO9001: 2000 certification, won consumers’ praise and favor, and been sold domestically and exported to Japan, South Korea, the United States, Russia, Europe, Hong Kong ,Macao Taiwan and other countries and regions.